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Develop a Compelling Vision Board

Does the thought of turning your dreams and aspirations into reality seem far-fetched?

My book titled “Spiral Up and fulfil your God-given destiny” featured in my vision board. I imagined myself signing autographs for people who have bought my book. That dream became a reality!

When your dreams and aspirations are expressed as pictures on your vision board – an unstoppable desire to achieve them surges forth from deep within you. You become restless in a positive way.

The most profound benefit about this technique is that it helps to keep our dreams and visions indelibly printed in the mind. As said by Napoleon Hill, “what you can conceive with the mind and believe with the heart you can achieve.” This imprint in the mind invariably energizes us to resolutely strive for the attainment of those dreams.

Well, scientists have proven beyond reasonable doubt that imagining something activates the same parts of the brain as actually doing it. There is a whole thought process and science involved in developing a compelling vision board. It is not just about pasting pictures to a board. The upcoming Spiral Up Session that will be taking place on Saturday the 30th of April 2016 will be dealing with the technique and psychological aspects behind the development of a vision board. Our property investor guest, Mr Neo Masithela, will share with you what others don’t share on how to become a successful property investor.

Join us for a fun-filled session that will challenge, encourage and inspire you to SPIRAL UP and pursue your dreams and aspirations- and invest profitably in property.